Through many years of practice, Carol’s awareness of energy movement or lack thereof has become very strong. Her preference is to work with intuition, based on your personal needs as well as those needs which may be unknown to you, but which your body will identify.

Upcoming Workshops

During Co-vid19 all workshops and teachers training will be held in Zoom. My classes are small  to ensure the personal touch, bookings are essential.

Learn about crystals. I prefer to work with intuition based on your personal needs. The groups are small providing you with that personal touch. I will provide you with methods and ways of self-improvement and self-empowerment.

Intrigued by crystals, want to learn more about their properties?. Join this exciting one day workshop and learn the basics you always wanted to know about. How to choose crystals, cleansing and programming of crystals. Different varieties of crystals. Sensing and different practical exercises .

Duration: 6 Weeks

Being yourself with the help of your Angels. Angels of love, sound and numbers. Fill your home with Angels & Light. Angel Altar.

Duration: 6 weeks

Unicorns:  Starting in September 2022, one class per week.  Duration:  6 Weeks

Channeling Classes:  Starting in August 2022, once a month on a Friday. Must have a little bit of experience.  Duration: 6 Weeks

Spirit Rocks:  Starting in October 2022.  Duration:  8 Weeks

We will be doing many exercises to help you to meditate and learn about mantras and which ones to say when. We will learn how to manifest with the assistance of some etheric beings. We will work the Fairies, Angels, Unicorns & Dragons to bring in the magic you need to shift. Discover the many aspects of yourself and find out what makes your soul sing.

Duration:  Once a month for 6 months

Come fill your tank up with Positivity and fuel for the week.

Join me every 2nd Wednesday for a chat & Meditation.

Investment:  €15 per class

(Current SA clients please WhatsApp me for prices in Rands)

Starting:  Wednesday 13th July 2022.  Booking essential

Time:  7pm to 8pm

Venue:  Zoom


Do you have Orbs in your pictures and want to know what they mean?

Why do Spiritual beings appear in Orbs or circles?

How to take Orbs photographs?

Do our intentions affect the messages from the Orbs?

Are there harmful Orbs?

These and many, many more questions answered.  Meditations with the Orbs and exercises to raise your consciousness.  Come along and learn how to recognise Orbs.  I will share some of my experiences with you as well.

Starting:  August to December 2022

Times:  Morning Classes 10:00 to 12:00.  Evening Classes 19:00 to 21:00.

Venue:  Zoom

What my clients have to say

Thank you for the great zoom classes we had. It was great to meet the ladies and all so unique in their own way. Learnt a lot about myself again. Really appreciate it and for allowing me to do the course.. I think the cherry on the top was the final orbs. To know that I am protected and loved at all times was a bonus and so happy the other ladies loved it to. Thank you once again for this beautiful opportunity.
Lots of love - Dawn
I just want to say a thank you for the most amazing classes below - If you would like to use this for your website please do. Thank you so much for the wonderful online Zoom Psychic classes we are sadly finishing this week – it has been an exciting introduction to the angelic realm and lots of fun to work in the online group space. So much information and support always offered – thank you with gratitude - I am definitely signing up for more classes with you Carol.
Lots of love - Talyah
My introduction to Carol was unexpected. I was seeing her name on most local ‘esoteric/ new age’ websites I went to, her name had been mentioned in a number of group discussions and when I was told to go to her for crystal ‘training’ I knew it was divine intervention. Her energy, passion, love and respect she has and expresses towards these precious minerals from Mother Gaia, can’t but impact your life. Carol has, and will continue to re-establish the lost connection I have to these gems, and help me remember our workings together from lifetimes prior, to facilitate healing here & now. Crystals have become an integrated part of me life… from relaxation and healing of self, to comforting others and supporting the therapies I facilitate. Thank you for your support, guidance and advise thus far and sharing with me your passion.
Thank you Carol, Namaste Regards, Kirsti
I really enjoyed the crystal healing aspect, learning new techniques and experiencing the healing for myself. With Foundation 1, I had huge shifts taking place in my life. I was made to look at various relationships and to make changes in certain areas - all for the better. The shift with Foundation 2 has so far been more subtle and kinder.
With love from Linda
Thank you Carol, for being the beautiful person that you are, and I am blessed to have met you again in this life.
Much love Wendy
Thank you for being my Earth Angel and being there in my time of need.
Love light and laughter - Dorothy